Household monitoring

Programme MAGE - Measure and Accompany to Guarantee Energy Savings

Group and individual workshops to educate low income households in monitoring and measuring consumption in order to support the occupants of the most vulnerable housing

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Penalties for poorly isolated roofs (Vlaamse dakisolatienorm - Strafpunten voor onvoldoende geisoleerde daken)

Flanders introduced a minimum standard for roof insulations.

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Free energy scan (Gratis energiescan)

The energy scan is a quick assessement of the building - similar to an energy audit, but not quite as detailed. A person comes to the house that the tenant/owner requested the scan for, inspects the building, gives tips about energy consumption, heating and lighting and implements minor energy-saving measures valued up to 25 euros.

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Social funds for energy management - Fonds sociaux d'aide aux travaux de maîtrise de l’énergie (FSATME)

There are funds in some departments in France to bring financial support to families in need for renovation work as an attempt to develop simple financial schemes for small yet essential reparations.

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Energy Savings Project Nuremberg - EnergieSparProjekt Nürnberg

On the basis of intensive, personal advice from socially trained energy consultants, low-income households are to be enabled to consciously control their user behavior and to sustainably reduce their energy consumption.

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Energy bonus - Primes Energie

Low income households can get up to 70% of the eligible cost covered by the bonus.

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Local Energy Strategy in Chile

This programme is focused on the incorporation of non-conventional renewable energies, energy efficiency and reduction of energy gaps. It aims for the development of a communal energy policy, adapted to the particular conditions of the territory.

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Impact assessment of the programme audits and intervention in homes in a position of energy poverty

The present report displays the information obtained through the evaluation of interventions in 100 households.

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