Communication campaign

Valencia Energy Office

National project
The Valencia city council, through the Valencia Climate and Energy foundation, has launched the first Energy Office in the city. The Energy Office aims to operate as a one-stop-shop to assess, inform and give support to the citizens in terms of energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy poverty and energy transition.

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European project
The project aimed to help energy poor homes reduce their energy bills and their environmental impact by better managing their consumption. This was through the method of living labs. Energy advisors met people at "energy cafés" or during home visits and followed their energy situation's evolution over time.

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SAVES2 - Students Achieving Valuable Energy Savings 2

European project
SAVES 2 aimed to reach over 219,000 students in eight countries across Europe to inspire them to adopt energy-saving habits at an early stage of their independent lives and to seek out energy efficient properties when moving into the private rented sector, to help minimise their exposure to fuel poverty.

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Salford Building In Warmth

National project
This a project working with the local council to test the impact of low-cost measures on bills, comfort and health. It explores six main streams: community engaggement, trainings, low-cost, high-quality installations, energy and quality checks as well as monitoring of various metrics such as temperatur, humidity, biling data and surveys.

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MAEM - Mon Appartement Eco-Malin/ My eco-smart apartment

National project
My eco-smart appartment (MAEM) is a demonstration apartment which circulates through the region to demonstrate good at-home practices for everyone to adopt concerning energy savings, recycling, indoor air quality, etc. Everyone can join and see the animations. At the end, small equipment is given out to the public

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FIESTA - Families Intelligent Energy Saving Targeted Action

European project
The project FIESTA aimed to support 5 local governments to support families to save energy at home, to adopt a more sustainable consumption behaviour, acting both on their energy consumption behaviour and on their purchasing decisions.

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Pop-up Energy Desks

National project
Energise Sussex Coast (ESC) targeted residents living in deprived areas, who were more likely to be living in energy poverty. The Pop-up Energy desks increased the accessibility of the energy advice service, offered by ESC, to these residents. By going into these neighbourhoods, ESC was able to engage and build relationships with disadvantaged or marginalised groups.

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The “Chaud Devant” Action Plan

National project
The creation of a grassroots movement to take action on carbon footprint reduction within a neighbourhood was successfully tested during the Interreg NWE funded project „Climate Active Neighbourhoods“. The grassroots movement was initiated and jointly managed by local inhabitants and local stakeholders.

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“Maison de l‘Habitat” Energy Service Center

National project
The City of Liège provides a variety of public services regarding energy retrofits, energy consumption and social issues. The “Maison de l’Habitat” has been created by the City of Liège to gather all those public services from different departments in one location. The goal of this activity is to boost the number of retrofits especially in deprived areas, as many citizens are not aware of their eligibility for and availability of these services.

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NUOVE ENERGIE sportello povertà energetica di Portobello

National project
NUOVE ENERGIE is the first consultancy desk on electricity and gas consumption in the city offered to the beneficiary families. The desk is run by volunteers after a training course by local consumer associations (ADICONSUM, FEDERCONSUMATORI).

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