
Green Energy Community (GECO)

National project
The Green Energy Community (GECO) was a demonstration project in the Pilastro – Roveri district of Bologna. It comprised the creation of an energy community, an entity introduced by the EU Clean Energy Package (CEP). The GECO project intended to tackle social, technical and economic aspects related to the creation of the green energy community in order to increase sustainability, reduce energy poverty and generate a low carbon economic cycle. The project is carried out by AESS, ENEA, UNIBO, CAAB/FICO and Agenzia Pilastro, with the Emilia Romagna Region, GSE, RSE, City of Bologna, local associations, businesses and citizens and with the financial support of EIT Climate-KIC.

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COVID-HAB - COVID-19 confinement, housing and habitability

National project
The unique national study on habitability in the Spanish homes during the COVID pandemic, including perceived comfort, IEQ and habit changes, with relevance on use of energy.

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WHAM - Warmer Homes, Advice and Money

National project
WHAM offered an innovative model for supporting Bristol and North Somerset’s most vulnerable residents by providing advice on energy, money, benefits and carrying out home repairs. The support offered by the core organisations covered multiple facets, such as advice and monitoring of energy bills, home visits with safety checks or legal and housing advice.

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Valencia Energy Office

National project
The Valencia city council, through the Valencia Climate and Energy foundation, has launched the first Energy Office in the city. The Energy Office aims to operate as a one-stop-shop to assess, inform and give support to the citizens in terms of energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy poverty and energy transition.

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The Solar House

National project
In a multi-story building of 3,700 households located in an underprivileged area of Copenhagen, the tenants decided together to produce electricity from solar PV and water heating from solar thermal. The project is owned by the housing estate, and the tenants contribute financially to the project through additions on top of their monthly rent or mortgage payments.

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European project
The project aimed to help energy poor homes reduce their energy bills and their environmental impact by better managing their consumption. This was through the method of living labs. Energy advisors met people at "energy cafés" or during home visits and followed their energy situation's evolution over time.

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SHINE - Seasonal Health Intervention Network

National project
The SHINE network advises and refers to vulnerable groups including people of low incomes and with health conditions across the London Boroughs.

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SAVES2 - Students Achieving Valuable Energy Savings 2

European project
SAVES 2 aimed to reach over 219,000 students in eight countries across Europe to inspire them to adopt energy-saving habits at an early stage of their independent lives and to seek out energy efficient properties when moving into the private rented sector, to help minimise their exposure to fuel poverty.

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Salford Building In Warmth

National project
This a project working with the local council to test the impact of low-cost measures on bills, comfort and health. It explores six main streams: community engaggement, trainings, low-cost, high-quality installations, energy and quality checks as well as monitoring of various metrics such as temperatur, humidity, biling data and surveys.

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MCPE - Mieux comprendre les situations de précarité énergétique pour mieux les traiter/ Better understand energy poverty situations to treat them better

National project
Les Compagnons Bâtisseurs (CBP) in the regional branch in Provence launched the project MCPE aiming to assist auto-renovations. Staff of CBP helped households with renovation but the project also developed households' awareness campaigns, sociotechnical diagnosis and provided advices.

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