Xarxa per una Transició Energètica Justa (XTEJ)

Xarxa per una Transició Energètica Justa (XTEJ)

National project

The Xarxa per una Transició Energètica Justa of Castelló was born in response to the historical moment in which we find ourselves: the climate crisis and its consequences are increasingly evident and, added to the geopolitical context (the pandemic situation and the outbreak of a war in Europe) which has increased electricity prices like never before, are affecting especially families who were already in vulnerable situations and pushing other families towards this situation.

The XTEJ wanted to involve the ecosystem of community based organisations of Castelló in the visibility of the social problems associated with the climate and energy crisis and the promotion of a new energy culture that contributes to reducing the energy vulnerability of the families.
Thus, the problem of energy vulnerability (the inability of households to ensure their energy needs) was addressed through the following actions:

  1. Promotion of a network of personalised advice points in collaboration with the community based organisations present in the neighbourhoods, with the aim of reducing the impact of the current energy situation on citizens. This was aimed both at families in a vulnerable situation and at the general population.
  2. Facilitation of training aimed at energy savings and a new energy culture to key agents in the field of energy vulnerability.
  3.  Promotion of self-consumption and energy communities as the basis of a new renewable, distributed, democratic and inclusive energy model.

The XTEJ wants to emphasize that talking about energy does not have to be a technical issue. Energy is a basic right and a primary element of our society. Talking about how to manage it concerns us all.

Some concrete KPIs included:

  • Number of trainings completed: 3
  • Number of people trained: 50
  • Number of people advised: 20
  • Number of members of the XTEJ: 5

The project started in 2022 and was completed in 2023. 

The partners of the project were: Cooperativa Transversal, cooperative Som Energia’s Castelló Local Group, CGT’s Castelló Intercounty Federation, the local association «Associació de convivència Parque Lidón» and the neighborhood association from «Segon Molí».

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