
TORREBLANCA ILUMINA - Energy and educational community in a vulnerable area

National project
In the POWERTY pilot, a collective photovoltaic installation was carried out on the roof of public schools to share most of the energy generated with families in a situation of energy poverty in the neighborhood. All this accompanied by legal, social and technical assistance.

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Wilmcote House EnerPHiT

National project
The Wilmcote House EnerPHiT project was a renovation project in which an old residential building was retrofitted and its lifespan was increased by 40 years after the city council had decided against taking the building down. Comprehensive retrofit of the entire building using Passivhaus technology for all measures including insulation, improvements in airtightness, roof replacement, installation of triple glazed windows, extension of the living areas, more efficient heating and hot water systems, adjustment of the ventilation with heat recovery system.

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WHAM - Warmer Homes, Advice and Money

National project
WHAM offered an innovative model for supporting Bristol and North Somerset’s most vulnerable residents by providing advice on energy, money, benefits and carrying out home repairs. The support offered by the core organisations covered multiple facets, such as advice and monitoring of energy bills, home visits with safety checks or legal and housing advice.

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SSA - Solar Savers Adelaide: Solar PVs for Low-Income Households

National project
The project aimed to help low-income households access solar energy which can help manage the costs of air conditioning (as Southern Australia is experiencing greater intensity and more frequent heatwaves).

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Salford Building In Warmth

National project
This a project working with the local council to test the impact of low-cost measures on bills, comfort and health. It explores six main streams: community engaggement, trainings, low-cost, high-quality installations, energy and quality checks as well as monitoring of various metrics such as temperatur, humidity, biling data and surveys.

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Energiesprong: Nottingham City Homes 2050

National project
New wall panels are prefabricated off-site and arrived in ‘full story heights’ complete with ample insulation and a durable board finish ready to crane into place. The radical retrofit was completed in less than one week with occupants able to remain in residence throughout the works. Tenants are consulted in the design process and are allowed to choose colours on finishes etc. The tenants also provide a "wish list" which informed the project brief.

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Improving Energy Efficiency in Low-Income Households and Communities in Romania

National project
The project sought to dismantle the barriers to the implementation of energy efficiency measures among poorer households and communities in Romania, with the overall objective of alleviating energy poverty. The project: (1) addressed energy efficiency needs, (2) developed appropriate policy measures, (3) strengthened the capacity for the implementation of energy-efficiency measures in poorer regions, and (4) stimulated the market for locally-produced, energy-efficient building materials.

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MCPE - Mieux comprendre les situations de précarité énergétique pour mieux les traiter/ Better understand energy poverty situations to treat them better

National project
Les Compagnons Bâtisseurs (CBP) in the regional branch in Provence launched the project MCPE aiming to assist auto-renovations. Staff of CBP helped households with renovation but the project also developed households' awareness campaigns, sociotechnical diagnosis and provided advices.

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LEAF - Low Energy Apartment Futures

European project
Three year project focused to improve the energy efficiency of multi-occupancy apartment blocks by overcoming the barriers experienced during the retrofit process. The toolkits provided advice and information on retrofit and were designed to overcome a number of known barriers.

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HHHH - Health Homes, Healthy People

National project
The project aims to give people warmer safer and healthier homes this is done by offering advice support and referral options tailored to the needs of the household. Specific categories include energy-saving advice to fuel debt assistance, home safety advice to advice on benefit entitlement. All applicants have access to energy saving advice, smart meter advice, benefit entitlement advice, tariff switching service, carbon monoxide awareness, fire safety and smoke alarm advice. Additional services are available but are dependent on criteria such as age, vulnerability, if the resident receives particular other benefits and poor health.

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