Proyecto de Energías Renovables en Mercados Rurales

Proyecto de Energías Renovables en Mercados Rurales


The project of Renewable Energies in Rural Markets provides access to energy with renewable sources to the rural population of the country that does not have light because it is affected by the distribution networks.

It develops diverse initiatives to provide energy to houses, rural schools, crowded communities and small productive enterprises. In this way, it seeks to improve the quality of life of the rural inhabitants of Argentina.

USD 58,2 millions were invested since the year 2000. The goal is to reach 100% of the population with access to electricity.

  • Argentina

  • Geographical scale:
  • Energy poverty phase:
  • Professionals involved:
  • Type of funding:
    Private (energy distributors and users), national and local funds by Secretaría de Energía de la Nación through a credit granted by the World Bank, the donation of the Global Environment Fund (GEF) and the Ministerio de Educación (rural schools)
  • SDGs addressed:

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