
JUSTEM - Just Transitions and Empowerment Against Energy Poverty

European project
JUSTEM works with regional authorities and citizens in five pilot regions to assess energy poverty in coal regions in transition, build regional capacity about energy energy and develop plans to alleviate energy.

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ComAct - Community Tailored Actions for Energy Poverty Mitigation

National project
The ComAct project aims to make high-impact/high-cost energy-efficient improvements in multi-family apartment buildings in the CEE and CIS regions affordable and manageable for energy-poor communities as well as to create the necessary assistance conditions for lifting them out of energy poverty.

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Life Energy Poverty 0 - EP0

National project
Energy Poverty Zero's main objective is to support progress toward scale up of deep energy retrofit in vulnerable district to fight energy poverty by combining existing efforts on energy poor people support, one-stop-shops, deep-energy retrofit industrialization and district-based dynamics. The project develop will an approach that will allow to connect efforts performed to diminish cost of deep energy retrofit in social housing with industrialised prefabricated solutions with the private housing market.

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National project
LIFE ReHABITA project aims to alleviate the energy poverty by fostering deep energy renovations of the energy inefficient homes of vulnerable families. The project will set up ReHABITA Offices (one-stop shops) to deliver an integrated home renovation services in some of the most deprived neighbourhoods in the participating municipalities.

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RENOVERTY - Home Renovation Roadmaps to Address Energy Poverty in Vulnerable Rural Districts

National project
RENOVERTY fosters energy efficiency building upgrades in the energy poor households of Central and Eastern Europe / South-eastern Europe and Southern European countries by establishing the methodological and practical framework to build renovation roadmaps for vulnerable rural districts in a financially viable and socially just manner. Specifically, the project aims to deliver tools and resources to support local and regional actors to build and execute operational single or multi-household roadmaps for rural areas. A scalable model will also be created to ensure the wide geographical replicability and implementation of the roadmaps by different actors at the EU level.

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POWERPOOR - Empowering Energy Poor Citizens through Joint Energy Initiatives

National project
POWERPOOR aims to develop support programmes / schemes for energy poor citizens and encourage the use of alternative financing schemes e.g. establishing energy communities / cooperatives, crowd funding). The rpoject facilitates experience and knowledge sharing, the implementation of behavioural changes and small-scale no-regret energy efficiency interventions as well as encourage the uptake of renewable energy sources through energy communities and cooperatives, increasing the active participation of citizens.

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SUPER-i - PPP Financing for energy efficiency investments in social housing

National project
The SUPER-i project will contribute to generate substantial investments in energy efficiency within the social housing sector by establishing a direct dialogue, at local government level, between financial institutions, other private investors and social housing managers while also involving ESCOs (Energy Service Companies).

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National project
Smarter Finance for EU aims to accelerate the roll-out of certified green homes across Europe – including the development and adoption of over €100bn worth of green mortgages, loans and development finance. Led by Habitat for Humanity, the project’s energy poverty element will aim to improve the health and comfort, financial stability, and energy performance of very low income, vulnerable households. It will also facilitate European and global discussions on what knowledge and lessons learned can be shared when implementing solutions that combine government incentives with private bank financing.

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REVERTER - Deep REnovation roadmaps to decrease households VulnERability To Energy poveRty

National project
REVERTER aims to decrease energy poverty in Europe by addressing the poor energy efficiency of dwellings of vulnerable households. 9 different roadmaps will be developed and tested by setting up a network of pilots and the roadmaps will target the worst performing homes first (“worst first” principle).

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CLEAR-HP - Consumers Leading the EU’s Energy Ambition Response through uptake of Heat Pumps

National project
CLEAR-HP aims to facilitate consumers’ access to heat pumps products by accompanying consumers throughout the whole purchasing journey, and by addressing financial and regulatory barriers. The project promotes consumer awareness and empowers them to lead the clean energy transition, improving the energy performance and comfort of their homes, in addition to reducing their energy bills.

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